This is the other cake that I did for my mum. I know its very ugly, I will try my best to improve.
Marbled Cake by Kitchen Capers
Yields 2 loaf tins(7 inch by 3 inch)
250g butter
120 g Cadbury's Gold Chocolate
200g castor sugar
300 g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
5 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
100 ml milk(UHT milk)
1. Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Set aside.
2. Add butter and sugar in a mixer bowl and beat till light and creamy.
3. Add eggs, one at a time to beat and mix evenly.
4. Add milk, essence to mix.
5. Add sifted flour and baking powder to mix till it forms into a creamy batter.
6. Lined and greased a loaf tin with baking paper.
7. Divide the batter into 2 equal portions.
8. Add melted chocolate into one portion to mix till it turns light brown colour.
9. Pour the white batter into the loaf tin till halfway.
10. Scoop half of chocolate batter into the half-filled loaf tin.
11. Pour remaining white batter on top of the chocolate batter.
12. Bake in preheated oven 190 C for 40 mins or until a satay stick that is inserted into the cake comes out clean.
13. Remove from oven to cool completely before slicing.
You can also use the round cake tin that is used for baking Chiffon cake to make this a ring cake.
Mothers' Day was just over not long. This year, I decided to bake a cake for my mother and my mum-in-law. At the same time, I also stand in the gap and help Yah Lan to bake one for her mum and bring it to her house to surprise her, as she is away for mission trip in Taiwan. Yah Lan's mum was really shocked when she saw Ricky & myself popping up at her door. She started asking alot of questions, from who, why, what????? Heard from Yah Lan that she was very touched and like the cake =) yeah! So I chosed to do 1 heart shaped marble butter cake, 1 heart shaped and 1 round peach pound cake. Anyways, it was a baking marathon again. After finishing baking those muffins on Friday night, I started baking on Sat night for these. Started at 11pm, ended at around 2.30pm. I can't believe it I'm baking late into the night. And it's really tiring but its definately worth doing it for my wonderful mothers!Erm.. so I found the recipe and it was suppose to be mango pound cake but I used peach instead of mango. It should be nice since I didn't get to taste it personally but my cake decor was horrible and terrible lah. Even thou I have really tried my best. Please pardon me with the ugliest cake ever. It the heart that counts lor. But I was really disappointed to see the cake so ugly.. sob sob. Then some more, the boxes that i bought was too small, can see from the pics. Aiyo... why like that? Haiz, no choice in the end on Sunday, Ricky & I went round to deliver our love for our mothers. Below are the pics and recipes. (oh btw, I gave marble butter cake for my mum, will follow with the recipe in another post)
Mango Pound Cake by Kitchen Capers
200g sweet mango flesh(diced) (I used canned peach)
250 g butter
1 3/4 cups plain flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs
200 g castor sugar (I reduced the sugar to 180 g)
half cup 100 & 1000 candies
Method for cake:
1. Cream butter and sugar till creamy.
2. Add eggs and vanilla essence and cream till well mixed.
3. Add sifted flour, baking powder and fold in gently.
4. Finally add chopped mango pieces.
5. Greased a round bake pan and pour cake mix into it.
6. Bake in preheated oven 190C for 40 mins.
7. Remove from pan and cool completely.
(Optional, I didn't use it, just normal whip cream)
Icing mix:
200 g cream cheese
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 drops of blue colouring
Method for icing:
1. Mixed soften cheese with lemon juice and blue colouring.
2. Set aside.
Method for icing on cake:
1. make sure the cake is completely cooled before you start.
2. Spread cream cheese on top and on the sides of the cake.
3. Pour the candies on top.
4. Leave it in the fridge for 30 mins to set the icing.
Finally the photo is here. This is for my cellgroup too! Basically, its exactly the same as the chocolate chip muffins, but I have replace it with cranberries instead. Taste very nice too.

280 gm. Self raising flour
1 no. large egg
120 sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
180 gm. butter
100 gm. milk or buttermilk
1 tsp. Vanilla Essence
120 gm. chopped cranberries
(1) Sift self-raising flour into a mixing bowl.
(2) Add in butter and rub with fingertips till it resembles breadcrumbs.
(3) Add in sugar , salt and mix well.
(3) Mix wet ingredients together: egg, milk, vanilla essence and add into dry ingredients. Stir lightly. Do not overmix.
(4) Add in chopped dark chocolate and stir lightly and scoop batter into paper cups - 3/4 full and bake at 200C for about 20 mins. till golden or till skewer inserted comes out clean.
(5) Remove from oven and cooled....before serving.
It has been a little while since I have time to try out some other recipes. This week, I really wanted to do cg refreshment for my beloved N371. So I decided to sacrifice..., came back from my school on Friday night. Reach home at 11pm, yet to take dinner, the first thing that I did was to take out and prepare all the necessary ingredients needed. And I begin. Grab a few bites in between the baking sessions. Before that, I had been planning & looking for a recipe that I can use. So finally I chosed this after seeing so many good reviews about it in the forum. I have been eyeing on it for so long, yeah I can make it finally. At 2am, the muffins are all finally ready. I did another cranberries version with the chocolate chip muffins that I've made earlier, recipe from Yochana's blog. Verdict: FANTASTICS, good review from all those who ate it. Will post the other recipe I've made again.
Brownies Muffins by Imperial Kitchen

125g butter
150g 70% cocoa solids chocolate (like Lindt) OR Van Houten Cooking Chocolate
200g brown sugar
pinch of salt
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp rum, Tia Maria,Baileys or Kahlua (Can be excluded)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
150g plain flour
3 tsp cocoa powder
chocolate chips for scattering
Roughly chop up butter and chocolate and microwave to melt, OR sit in a large (heat-proof) bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir to melt.
Stir in salt and sugar.
Stir in vanilla, eggs and rum,beat lightly to mix.
Preheat oven to 180C.
Sift in rising agents,flour and cocoa,stir to combine. Scatter 1 tsp chocolate chips in your liners,then half fill with the batter. Do not be tempted to fill more!
Scatter 1 tsp more chocolate chips overtop,bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until risen,springy and an inserted toothpick comes out with moist crumbs clinging to it.
If there is wet batter,bake a while more but monitor closely. Because if it comes out dry,you have overbaked it.
Cool a while before enjoying it warm.
This keeps well for a few days without refrigeration.

Chocolate Chip Muffins by YochanaMakes about 12-13 Ingredients:280 gm. Self raising no. large egg120 sugar1/2 tsp. salt180 gm. butter100 gm. milk or buttermilk1 tsp. Vanilla Essence120 gm. chopped dark chocolateMethod:(1) Sift self-raising flour into a mixing bowl.(2) Add in butter and rub with fingertips till it resembles breadcrumbs.(3) Add in sugar , salt and mix well.(3) Mix wet ingredients together: egg, milk, vanilla essence and add into dry ingredients. Stir lightly. Do not overmix.(4) Add in chopped dark chocolate and stir lightly and scoop batter into paper cups - 3/4 full and bake at 200C for about 20 mins. till golden or till skewer inserted comes out clean.(5) Remove from oven and cooled....before serving.